Real Estate Law
Buying, selling or refinancing real estate? Contact us BEFORE you sign. We provide experienced legal assistance and title insurance. You WILL save money. Call today to speak with an attorney and to ask for a free quote.
We provide assistance to clients when they sell, purchase or refinance real estate. Residential or commercial transactions, leases, and sales agreements are all covered. We deal with realtors or private transactions and work well with all lenders. Lenders require title insurance to protect their first lien position. We can provide the title insurance while also giving you legal representation all at a very competitive rate.
Lenders, Realtors & Homebuyers:
In addition to being ALTA best practice certified, W&G’s team of approved real estate attorneys can save you money on title costs, 10% to 25%. Let us give you a free quote so you can compare and save. For more information on settlement services, click here.

W&G is proud to announce that we comply, in all material aspects, with the American Land Title Association’s (ALTA) 7-Pillars of Title Insurance and Settlement Company Best Practices.
In November, 2016, W&G voluntarily participated in a third-party review of its settlement policies and procedures. The onsite review was performed by CARMA, Inc. certified public accountants, audit and compliance consultants. W&G are the first Penn Attorneys to have successfully earned & obtained an independent accountant’s review report concerning ALTA’s best practices.
ALTA Best Practices is an important initiative to enable approved attorneys, title agents and underwriters to demonstrate their commitment to protect consumers and to provide a quality, transparent and compliant closing experience. Lenders and Realtors (and clients) can be confident that W&G is committed to the protection of their borrowers’ funds and confidential information.
In addition to being ALTA best practice certified, W&G’s team of approved real estate attorneys can save you money on title costs. Let us give you a free quote so you can compare and save.
Why ALTA Best Practices Certification:
After the burst of the housing market in the mid-to-late 2000s, regulatory and market pressures brought scrutiny and a heightened level of oversight to the title insurance industry. In response, ALTA published “Title Insurance and Settlement Company Best Practices,” a set of minimum standards for industry members to improve the overall quality and integrity of the title insurance industry. These “Best Practices” cover the following seven (7) pillars:
Pillar 1. Employee and Company Licensing to Conduct Title & Settlement Services;
Pillar 2. Escrow Trust Account Controls;
Pillar 3. Privacy and Information Security;
Pillar 4. Compliance with Federal and State Consumer Finance Laws;
Pillar 5. Title policy production, delivery, reporting and premium remittance;
Pillar 6. Professional liability insurance and fidelity coverage; and
Pillar 7. Procedures for resolving consumer complaints
W&G is one of the only law firms in the South-Central Pennsylvania area to become ALTA Best Practice certified.
CARMA Certificate
CARMA Cert (pdf)
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