New Year, New Estate Planning Documents

By Attorney Jessica Fisher Greene In the new year, not only is it time to update your diet and...

The New Overtime Rules

By Attorney Jacquelyn Roof Attention All Employees and Employers: On January 1, 2020, new federal...

May is Older Americans Month

Written by the Life Care Planning Law Firms Association @ LCPLFA.org. Around the nation, older...

It’s Time to Refinance or Buy a House

By Attorney Jaquelyn Roof Are you looking to refinance or buy a house? If so, the time to do either...

Common Custody Questions

Common Custody Questions: What does a judge consider when deciding who should have custody of a...

Common Support Question: How is support calculated?

Common Support Questions: How is the amount of a child support payment calculated?  By Attorney Anna...

Renting v. Buying a House

Renting v. Buying a House By Attorney Jacquelyn M. Yeakle Most of us have debated whether renting or...

Filing for Divorce in a Low-Cost County

Common Divorce Questions: Why should I file for divorce in my home county? By Attorney Anna L. Knych...

Common Support Questions: How does custody affect child support?

By Attorney Anna L. Knych You may have heard someone saying that the other parent of their child...

Divorce Question: What is Marital Property and How is it Divided?

By Attorney Anna Knych When clients first approach a lawyer about a divorce, often one key concern...

Spousal Support, Alimony, and Alimony Pendente Lite (APL): What’s the Difference?

By Attorney Anna L. Knych The terms ‘spousal support’, ‘alimony’, and ‘alimony pendente lite’ are...

A Roundup of Recent Court Rulings for Businesses

By Attorney Jacquelyn M. Yeakle Beneficial Ownership Information Report to the U.S. Financial Crimes...

Small Businesses: Don’t Sleep on Privacy.

By Robert Fischer In today’s digital landscape, every business—whether it offers services...

Update to Pennsylvania’s Family Law Statute: Kayden’s Law

The law related to divorce, support, and custody in Pennsylvania will be undergoing quite a few...

2024 Changes to Pennsylvania Guardianship Laws

By Attorney Megan D. Strait Guardianships are implemented by the court when an individual, commonly...


By Attorney H. Robert Fischer, III Buying or selling a home can be an intimidating process...

New Pennsylvania and Federal Reporting Requirements for Businesses

By Attorney Jacquelyn M. Yeakle March 1, 2024 Two new laws have recently been enacted that may...

Common custody questions: when parents share custody, which school does the child attend?

The decision of where a child attends school can often become a contentious issue. If the parents...


Residential Leases Webinar

 An insightful discussion about landlord tenant relationships in Pennsylvania, presented by Attorney Anna L. Knych. Covering the importance of properly drafting residential leases to reduce landlord/tenant issues, and the process and protections for both parties at the end of a lease. The discussion focuses on the points of view from both landlords and tenants. 

Navigating Long Term Care Planning & Asset Protection Webinar

A virtual meeting hosted by Certified Elder Law Attorney* Jessica Fisher Greene. Discussing how to navigate the long-term care planning process & protect your assets. She also touches on Medicare, what it does and does not cover, and the essential documents included in an Estate Plan.  

*Certified as an Elder Law Attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation, as authorized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Thank you!

 A small token of appreciation to our healthcare heroes. ABC27 News Link   A sincere thank you for your sacrifice and service in helping others and in making a difference every day in our community.  

Getting documents in order during a disorderly time

An insightful presentation hosted by Artis Senior Living West Shore and Attorney Jessica Fisher Greene of Walters & Galloway, PLLC. We will be discussing the most important documents and best methods to getting your estate plan in order during the pandemic. 

 This video is for general information only. Please seek your own legal advice because each individual’s legal needs may vary.  

Wills, Trusts & Charitable Intentions

Hosted by the Mechanicsburg Area Community Foundation, a regional foundation of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, Simpson Library, and Attorney Jessica Fisher Greene of Walters & Galloway, PLLC.  

This video is for general information only. Please seek your own legal advice because each individual’s legal needs may vary. 


Residential Leases Webinar

 An insightful discussion about landlord tenant relationships in Pennsylvania, presented by Attorney Anna L. Knych. Covering the importance of properly drafting residential leases to reduce landlord/tenant issues, and the process and protections for both parties at the end of a lease. The discussion focuses on the points of view from both landlords and tenants. 

Navigating Long Term Care Planning & Asset Protection Webinar

A virtual meeting hosted by Certified Elder Law Attorney* Jessica Fisher Greene. Discussing how to navigate the long-term care planning process & protect your assets. She also touches on Medicare, what it does and does not cover, and the essential documents included in an Estate Plan.  

*Certified as an Elder Law Attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation, as authorized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Thank you!

 A small token of appreciation to our healthcare heroes. ABC27 News Link   A sincere thank you for your sacrifice and service in helping others and in making a difference every day in our community.  

Getting documents in order during a disorderly time

An insightful presentation hosted by Artis Senior Living West Shore and Attorney Jessica Fisher Greene of Walters & Galloway, PLLC. We will be discussing the most important documents and best methods to getting your estate plan in order during the pandemic. 

 This video is for general information only. Please seek your own legal advice because each individual’s legal needs may vary.  

Wills, Trusts & Charitable Intentions

Hosted by the Mechanicsburg Area Community Foundation, a regional foundation of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, Simpson Library, and Attorney Jessica Fisher Greene of Walters & Galloway, PLLC.  

This video is for general information only. Please seek your own legal advice because each individual’s legal needs may vary. 

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